Best Gynecomastia Surgeon
Dr.Vinay Jacob
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The Plastic Surgeons is a unique Plastic Surgery Clinic. Unique in the sense that the Clinic brings in the experience of 3 Plastic Surgeons (Dr. Vinay Jacob & Dr. Rajesh Gawai ) of International Repute working in 3 different regions of the World at one Place. The Plastic Surgeons aim is to serve the people to Highest International Standards through our years of International experience.
Gynecomastia is a condition that is associated with male breasts. Males start to develop breasts at the onset of puberty. Excessive growth of male breasts is known as gynecomastia. This can be easily treated with the male breast reduction surgery.
Puffy nipples - Surgery: Local Anesthesia, Vaser Liposuction and Gland Removal Through Single Puncture
Puffy nipples+ excess fat - Surgery: Vaser Liposuction and Gland Removal Through Single Puncture with Local Anesthesia
Puffy nipples + excess fat + excess skin - Surgery: Local Anesthesia, Vaser Liposuction and Gland Removal without Skin Excision.
Female like breast-Surgery : Vaser Liposuction and Gland Removal with Periareolar Skin Excision
If you are uncomfortable or self-conscious about the appearance of your chest, or if you find yourself avoiding certain activities because you are afraid to show your chest, male breast reduction is an option to consider. With the help of a qualified cosmetic surgeon, the procedure offers dramatic, near immediate improvements with minimal scarring.
Following this surgery, patients commonly say they feel comfortable going shirtless for the first time in years, and report an enhanced sense of self-confidence.
Excess localized fat.
Excess glandular tissue development.
A combination of both excess fat and glandular tissue.
Gynaecomastia may be present unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts).